Rachel is an architect turned business owner turned mom. Dedicated to living a life full of beauty and style, she’s a little minimal but a lot extra.


There’s an art to it — being both minimal and extra. To create a clean, reduced aesthetic while still making it impactful and glamorous is a difficult task. But it’s one that I strive to achieve in all that I do. I’m still learning and exploring and evolving, but I am enjoying the journey and hope to inspire you along the way.

Photo by Hannah McSwain. Mural by Ashlee Jones of Smallchalk.


Five years ago, I opened up my dream boutique, Monomin, on Magazine Street. I asked my best friend Brooke to join me, and she did. Since then, we’ve never looked back.

Every Thursday we host Live Sales on our FB Page and in our App. Come shop with us or just drop in to tell us hi!


But before that, I worked at a brilliant architecture firm and ultimately opened up my own. It was an incredible and rewarding experience that shaped who I am. But between running the shop and raising a family, it all became too much.

So, I’ve stepped away from client work, however never from design. I always have a personal project in my wheelhouse.


The single most important thing to me is my beautiful family, for which I am beyond grateful and proud of. 18 years ago I met the love of my life, Aaron, in a Bourbon Street bar. So romantic, what can I say?


We now raise our two daughters, Harlow and Jolie, in our historic hometown of New Orleans. These two are so much fun to watch grow. So full of personality!


I’m passionate. I’m creative. And I’m not even going to sugar coat it… I have an amazing life.

But it’s not by accident —

It’s by design.

Join me as I explore design and navigate through life. I’ll share my sources and tips along the way, and document my process, discoveries and travels.


All images here by: Hannah McSwain.

I hope to inspire you with what inspires me.


Rachel is an award-winning architect and designer, as well as a successful business owner of Monomin - a women’s boutique and lifestyle brand. She lives and works in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she raises her two girls, Harlow & Jolie, alongside her husband Aaron.

Named a “Best New Tastemaker” in 2018 by Southern Magazine.